On-demand webinar · 12. Jul 2023

How to navigate greenwashing regulation & risks

Learn how to deter greenwashing accusations by backing your sustainability claims with accurate data.

July 12th, 15:00 – 15:45 CEST / 14:00 – 14:45 BST

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Businesses face higher sustainability standards

As business sustainability claims are increasingly scrutinized, companies must be able to back up their claims with accurate, comprehensive, and scientifically-sound data.

This scrutiny is coming both from consumers – one-fifth of Brits have stopped buying a brand because they believed it was greenwashing – and from legislators. In late May, the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) said that it would begin taking action against firms who make sustainability claims unless the business can demonstrate that the claims are true. In the EU, the Green Claims Directive is also putting pressure on companies to provide evidence to support their sustainability claims.


With carbon management-related claims like “carbon neutral” and “climate positive” coming under the regulatory and consumer spotlight, companies have to be prudent in their sustainability communications. This webinar explored how companies can meet these demands by using accurate, science-backed carbon accounting – avoiding legal non-compliance and reputational damage while accelerating their net-zero journeys.

The webinar included:

  • The essence of current greenwashing regulations and their implications for companies that do business in the EU or UK
  • Learnings from recent greenwashing lawsuits
  • How your company can use data to credibly share its climate progress
  • A Q&A with carbon accounting experts



Dr. Alexander Schmidt

Head of Science, Sustainability & Climate Research at Normative


Johnny McCreesh

Climate Strategy Advisor at Normative


Cassandra Julin

Head of Global PR at Normative

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