White paper · 16. Jul 2024
Decoding CSRD
How to comply with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and gain real business value in the process.
White paper · 16. Jul 2024
How to comply with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and gain real business value in the process.
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) affects nearly 50,000 companies doing business in the EU.
If your business is required to report, you probably have questions about the CSRD. Questions like: what do you have to report? When do you have to report by? How do you collect the data you need to report?
“Decoding CSRD” will help you understand the CSRD’s requirements, build a reporting process that ensures compliance, and use the insights you gain to drive real business value.
This guide provides more than just a summary of the CSRD’s requirements. It takes a user-centric approach to tackle your hard questions about disclosure:
It’s divided into five parts:
What is CSRD, where did it come from, and is your business required to comply? In this section, learn the basics of CSRD.
Get a 6-step framework to overcome reporting challenges in your business. Specifically, there’s a deep-dive into double materiality, looking at the impact of external factors on a business as well as the impact of the business on the environment and society.
Get an overview of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), the detailed framework for CSRD reporting. This section details the main reporting standards and their focuses. For each standard, you’ll get a short description of what it takes to gather the data and the tools and strategies that you can use to do so.
Into the nuts-and-bolts of compliance: learn about the different types of tools and solutions that can help you comply with CSRD, from in-house reporting to ESG platforms and carbon accounting software, and get a checklist to help you find a solution for CSRD compliance that’s right for your company.
CSRD reporting is just the beginning: discover how to use the data you collect for CSRD to drive environmental action and unlock new business opportunities.