On-demand webinar · 22. Aug 2023

Climate legislation & disclosures: insights, updates, and tips

Experts explain the current state of carbon legislation, where it’s headed, and how your business can stay ahead of the curve.

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What is the impact on my business?

Untangling the complicated web of climate legislation

Carbon reporting legislation is expanding rapidly across the globe.

In the EU, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is about to become reality for over 50,000 businesses, sparking questions around how to comply. Adding to the uncertainty are regional differences in disclosure requirements – for example, those between the EU’s CSRD and the UK’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) – all of which might affect an organization with international business operations.

This rapidly-evolving legislative environment is tricky for businesses to stay on top of, and mistakes can result in harm to a business’s reputation – or even bring legal consequences.


In this webinar, climate legislation experts explained both the current legislative landscape and the direction in which it’s headed.

Normative’s Dr. Alexander Schmidt was joined by Max Tetteroo for the in-depth discussion. Max is an Analyst at Climate & Company and is currently on secondment at the EFRAG, supporting the sustainability reporting technical work that will detail the reporting requirements of the CSRD. He has previously worked at the European Commission.

The webinar included:

  • An overview of major legislation frameworks and disclosure requirements from around the globe
  • What companies need to know & take action on
  • A Q&A with the experts



Dr. Alexander Schmidt

Head of Science, Sustainability & Climate Research at Normative

Max Tetteroo

Max Tetteroo

Analyst at Climate & Company


Cassandra Julin

Head of Global PR at Normative

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